This page presents a sample of the FITS header (ver 0.730) of Flat Frame. The Flat Frame contains a single Header Data Unit of TOMOE-IMAGE-FLAT
, which contains overall information of an exposure.
Item |
Value |
Frame ID |
TMQ1202310020102010711 |
Header version |
0.730 |
Primary HDU
Item |
Value |
Format type |
Format version |
1.00 |
SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard
BITPIX = -32 / array data type
NAXIS = 2 / number of array dimensions
NAXIS1 = 2000
NAXIS2 = 1128
OBJECT = 'FLAT' / object name
EXPTIME = 178.982816 / [s] net integration time
TELAPSE = 180.5000200000 / [s] elapsed time
EXPTIME1= 0.9999040000 / [s] exposure time per frame
TFRAME = 1.0000000000 / [s] frame interval in seconds
TRLSTEP = 0.0016590000 / [s] interval per reset line feeding (4 lines)
TRLSTEP1= 0.0004147500 / [s] reset line feeding time per line
DATA-FPS= 1.0000000000 / [Hz] frame per second
OBS-MOD = 'FLAT-Imaging' / observation mode
FILTER = 'BLANK' / filter name
PROJECT = 'Sample Recipe' / project name
OBSERVER= 'Kiso Staff' / observer name
PIPELINE= 'flat' / reduction pipeline templete
DATE = '2023-10-02T05:06:49' / date when FITS file was generated
DATE-OBS= '2023-10-02' / observation date
TIME-OBS= '05:03:48.686329' / exposure starting time
UTC = '2023-10-02T05:03:48.686329' / exposure starting date and time
UTC-EXP = '2023-10-02T05:03:43.297466' / onset time of exposure sequence
GPS-UP = '2023-10-02T05:03:48.686329' / GPS trigger time::rising edge
GPS-DOWN= '2023-10-02T04:48:50.557809' / GPS trigger time::falling edge
TIMESYS = 'UTC' / time system used in the header.
RA = '14:54:24.6' / right ascension of telescope pointing
DEC = '+116:20:04.0' / declination of telescope pointing
RADESYS = 'ICRS' / equatorial coordinate system
EQUINOX = 2000.0000000000 / equinox of celestial coordinate system
EXP_ID = 1020107 / exposure serial number
QUAD_ID = 1 / Tomo-e Gozen Module ID number
DET_ID = 111 / CMOS detector ID number
CMOS_ID = 'FK1000123' / CMOS serial ID number
FRAME_ID= 'TMQ1202310020102010711' / FITS file unique ID
RED_ID = 77784216 / unique serial number of reduction
DARK_ID = -1 / serial number of dark frame
FLAT_ID = -1 / serial number of flat frame
BUNIT = 'ADU' / unit of original pixel values
SANITY = 13.69832420349121 / standard deviation of reference pixels
WCSVALID= F / validity of WCS parameters
WCSORIG = 'NONE' / catalog used for WCS calibration
MAGZPT = 25.0000000000 / magnitude zero point
MAGZERR = 0.0000000000 / standard error of magnitude zero point
MAGZNOBJ= 0 / number of objects to derive MAGZPT
FWHM = 0.0000000000 / FWHM of point sources
BGCOUNT = 0.0000000000 / average background counts
BGMEDIAN= 0.0000000000 / median background counts
BGSTDDEV= 0.0000000000 / standard deviation of background counts
REDVER = 'calibration:fcbe5a2f' / data reduction pipeline version
FMTTYPE = 'TOMOE-IMAGE-FLAT' / data format type
FMTVER = 1.0 / data format type version
VERSION = 0.7300000000 / FITS header version
OBSERVAT= 'Kiso Observatory' / observatory name
TELESCOP= 'Kiso Schmidt' / telescope name
INSTRUME= 'Tomo-e Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4' / instrument name
F-RATIO = 3.1000000000 / monochromatic F-Ratio
FOC-LEN = 3300 / [mm] focal length of the telescope
FOC-VAL = 28.1200000000 / [mm] encoder value of the focus unit
OBSGEO-B= 35.7972583860 / [deg] telescope geodetic latitude (WGS84)
OBSGEO-L= 137.6253456800 / [deg] telescope geodetic longitude (WGS84)
OBSGEO-H= 1168.0000000000 / [m] telescope altitude above the geoid surface
AZIMUTH = 0.0632000000 / [deg] telescope azimuthal position
ZD = 80.3508000000 / [deg] telescope zenith distance
ALTITUDE= 9.6492000000 / [deg] telescope altitude angle
HA = '00:02:32.2' / hour angle
LST = '14:56:56.9' / local sidereal time
DOMEPOS = 317.1000000000 / [deg] dome position angle
DOMESLIT= 'CLOSE' / dome slit status
TEL-MODE= 'Tracking:OFF' / telescope operation mode
MCOVER = 'OPEN' / mirror cover status
FLATLAMP= 'ON' / dome flat lamp status
FLAT-ND = 'ND1.8' / dome flat ND filter
TMP_TEL = 21.2000000000 / [C] telescope inside tempearture
TMP_DOME= 20.6000000000 / [C] dome inside temperature
TMP_VWS = 18.7000000000 / [C] weather center temperature
HUM_TEL = 54.0000000000 / [%] telescope inside humidity
HUM_DOME= 45.0000000000 / [%] dome inside humidity
HUM_VWS = 47.9000000000 / [%] weather center humidity
SKYTEMP = -1.4800000000 / [C] sky temperature
VISRANGE= 10000.0000000000 / [m] zenith visibility
WIND_VEL= 5.0000000000 / [m/s] wind velocity
WIND_DIR= 336.0000000000 / [deg] wind direction
ATMOS = 887.4000000000 / [hPa] atomosphere pressure
GAINCNFG= 'HIGH' / sensor gain setting
GAIN = 41.17 / [electron/ADU] effective AD conversion factor
ND = 1 / ND filter by electronic shutter
RNOISE = 0.1420126676228678 / [electron] effective readout noise
FULLWELL= 6400.0000000000 / [electron] full well in electrons
DCURRENT= 1.1000000000 / [electron/pix/s] dark current in electrons
DEBIAS = T / auto debias enabled
TRIMMING= T / auto image trimming enabled
BURST = F / high speed mode enabled
Q1_TBODY= 21.5000000000 / [C] Q1 inside temperature
Q1_TELEC= 31.3000000000 / [C] Q1 electronics temperature
Q1_TAMB = 23.4000000000 / [C] Q1 ambient temperature
Q1_HUMID= 3.9000000000 / [%] Q1 inside humidity
Q2_TBODY= 99.0000000000 / [C] Q2 inside temperature
Q2_TELEC= 99.0000000000 / [C] Q2 electronics temperature
Q2_TAMB = 99.0000000000 / [C] Q2 ambient temperature
Q2_HUMID= 99.0000000000 / [%] Q2 inside humidity
Q3_TBODY= 99.0000000000 / [C] Q3 inside temperature
Q3_TELEC= 99.0000000000 / [C] Q3 electronics temperature
Q3_TAMB = 99.0000000000 / [C] Q3 ambient temperature
Q3_HUMID= 99.0000000000 / [%] Q3 inside humidity
Q4_TBODY= 99.0000000000 / [C] Q4 inside temperature
Q4_TELEC= 99.0000000000 / [C] Q4 electronics temperature
Q4_TAMB = 99.0000000000 / [C] Q4 ambient temperature
Q4_HUMID= 99.0000000000 / [%] Q4 inside humidity
VOLA_7VA= 8.5000000000 / [V] analog+7V output voltage (a)
CURA_7VA= 11.2000000000 / [A] analog+7V output current (a)
VOLA_5VA= 6.0000000000 / [V] analog+5V output voltage (a)
CURA_5VA= 5.0100000000 / [A] analog+5V output current (a)
VOLA_7VB= 8.5000000000 / [V] analog+7V output voltage (b)
CURA_7VB= 11.2000000000 / [A] analog+7V output current (b)
VOLA_5VB= 6.0000000000 / [V] analog+5V output voltage (b)
CURA_5VB= 4.9800000000 / [A] analog+5V output current (b)
VOLD_5V = 5.1030000000 / [V] ditital+5V output voltage
CURD_5V = 43.1200000000 / [A] ditital+5V output current
COMMENT = '---------- WCS SECTION'
CTYPE1 = 'RA---ARC' / pixel coordinate system
CTYPE2 = 'DEC--ARC' / pixel coordinate system
CTYPE3 = 'TIME' / pixel coordinate system
CRPIX1 = 2753.9763183594 / pixel coordinate of the reference point
CRPIX2 = 2005.2749023438 / pixel coordinate of the reference point
CRPIX3 = 1.0000000000 / pixel coordinate of the reference point
CRVAL1 = 223.6025000000 / RA at ref point
CRVAL2 = 116.3344444444 / DEC at ref point
CRVAL3 = 0.0000000000 / TIME offset at ref point
CUNIT1 = 'deg' / Units used in both CRVAL1 and CDELT1
CUNIT2 = 'deg' / Units used in both CRVAL2 and CDELT2
CUNIT3 = 's' / Units used in both CRVAL3 and CDELT3
CD1_1 = 0.0003300000 / WCS transformation matrix element
CD1_2 = 0.0000000000 / WCS transformation matrix element
CD1_3 = 0.0000000000 / WCS transformation matrix element
CD2_1 = 0.0000000000 / WCS transformation matrix element
CD2_2 = -0.0003300000 / WCS transformation matrix element
CD2_3 = 0.0000000000 / WCS transformation matrix element
CD3_1 = 0.0000000000 / WCS transformation matrix element
CD3_2 = 0.0000000000 / WCS transformation matrix element
CD3_3 = 1.0000000000 / WCS transformation matrix element
LONPOLE = 180.0000000000 / [deg] Native longitude of celestial pole
LATPOLE = 0.0000000000 / [deg] Native latitude of celestial pole
HISTORY [pipeline] reduction_id: 77784216
HISTORY [pipeline] version: calibration:fcbe5a2f
HISTORY [reduce] reference pixels are chopped off.
HISTORY [pipeline] stats_id: 70913861
HISTORY [makeflat] created from TMQ1202310020102010711
HISTORY [makeflat] dark(00729065) subtracted
HISTORY [makeflat] skyflat correction by v20230516