Data Format
The data obtained with Tomo-e Gozen are processed differently for different purposes. Currently there are six data types as follows:
- RAW data (
) - Image Cube (
) - Dark Frame (
) - Flat Frame (
) - Stacked Image (
) - NEO Data Unit (
RAW data is close to the original output of the Tomo-e Gozen camera system, where dark subtraction and flat-field correction are not applied yet. Image Cube is a three-dimensional video frame after dark-current subtraction and flat-field correction. Dark Frame is a calibration frame for dark current. Flat Frame is another calibration frame for flat-field correction. Stacked Image is a two-dimensional image created from a three-dimensional video frame. Information of moving objects in a video frame is compiled in NEO data unit.
Details of each data type are described in the following subsections.