Tomo-e Gozen Channel

You can find videos related to the Tomo-e Gozen project here.

Assembly work at the focal plane

Installation work for a quadrant unit of the Tomo-e Gozen camera.

Traveling in the Milky Way

M27 (planetary nebula) - Altair (1st-mag star) - M11 (open cluster)


2020 - 2021

Farewell ceremony for two technical staffs, who made efforts to achieve Tomo-e Gozen.

Rendezvous of Hayabusa2 spacecraft and a released capsule (Dec. 5th, 2020 in UT).  — link

Snow covered dome and sunrise from Kiso Mountains


Ceremony to announce that a full operation of Tomo-e Gozen starts.  — link

The Tomo-e Gozen camera mounted on the focal plane of the telescope.

Digital electronics and power supply units of the Tomo-e Gozen camera.

Maintenance work for the Tomo-e Gozen camera on an observation floor in the dome.

Installation work for the Tomo-e Gozen camera in the body tube of the telescope.

Assembly work for a quadrant unit of the Tomo-e Gozen camera, Q2.


Two quadrant units of the Tomo-e Gozen camera, Q1 and Q3, mounted on the focal plane.

Group photo with participants of Kiso Schmidt Symposium 2018.  — link

Backside view of a CMOS image sensor with a precisely fabricated base block.

Analog to digital converter boards set behind a camera body.

Forest of flat cables connecting to 21 chips of CMOS image sensors.

Base blocks for placing the 21 sensor chips along the spherical focal plane.

2016 - 2017

The first light image, open cluster M39, taken by a single chip of the first quadrant camera.

It is a time to get the first light image with the first quadrant camera.  — link

The first quadrant camera with 4 chips of CMOS image sensors mounted on the focal plane.

Installation work for the first quadrant camera in the body tube of the telescope.

Heat generation test with heater plates that simulate CMOS image sensors.

Group photo with Tomo-e chan, who is a mascot character of Kiso city.

2014 - 2015

The first light image, h and Chi Persei, taken by a single chip of the Tomo-e PM camera.

Observation room filled with the joy of the first light with Tomo-e PM.  — link

The Tomo-e PM camera with 8 chips of CMOS image sensors mounted on the focal plane.

Assembly work for the Tomo-e PM camera in a laboratory of Kiso Observatory.

8 chips of CMOS image sensors placed along the spherical focal plane.

2,000 x 1,128 front-side-illuminated CMOS image sensor with 19 μm pixel size.


Camera module with a single chip of CMOS image sensor mounted on the telescope focal plane.

Precheck before installing the camera module on the focal plane.

Group photo with team members, who worked on test observations with the camera module.


Image Files

for light background

for light background

for light background

for light background

for dark background

for dark background

for dark background

for dark background

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The shapes, colors, effects, fonts, and arrangements of logos should never be altered.